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2D materials study day at National Graphene Institute

An upcoming 2D materials study day will provide an overview of advanced topics in 2D materials research for postdoctoral and postgraduate researchers. 

Run by the European Graphene Flagship, Phantom Foundation and the Henry Royce Institute, the event will take place in the National Graphene Institute on 26 June 2023. 

It will serve as a pre-conference day for , a large international event hosted by The University of Manchester. 

The study day programme will include lectures by Professors Camilla Coletti (Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Italy), Kristian Sommer Thygesen (Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark), Roman Gorbachev (The University of Manchester, UK), Sergio Valenzuela (Catalan Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICN2), Spain), Matthew Yankowitz (University of Washington, USA), and Stephan Hofmann (University of Cambridge, UK). 

Limited free of charge places are available. .

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