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Graphene NOWNANO CDT hosts open day 2021

On Wednesday, 1 December 2021 the hosted its annual open day for prospective applicants to the PhD programme.

The CDT hosted the event at the University's for registered attendees simultaneously in person and around the world via Zoom. Attendees in person were greeted by and chatted with existing students over refreshments, before joining online attendees to listen to formal presentations.

CDT Director, gave an overview of the programme, funding schemes and opportunities open to students, and , CDT Co-Director and Director of the NGI, gave an introduction to research opportunities and the NGI facilities available to students.

Current students Astrid Weston and Vicente Orts Mercadillo also spoke of their personal CDT experiences and the nature of their research.

The session was concluded for those attending in person with a tour of the NGI facilities.

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